CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)

CFD allows to study the dynamic of fluids by means of mathematical algorithms implementes on computers. Aerodynamic forces, engines, pumps, chemical plants, environmental comfort etc. have been largely investigated with the use of CFD softwares. The industrial applications range from energy production, aerospace aerodynamics to combustion.


The naval sector, in particular, can be widely investigated by the use of Computatinal Fluid Dynamics.
The hull total resistance, traditionally evaluated from towing tank tests, can be precisely quantified with CFD tools, dramatically reducing calculation time and overall costs. Alternatively, CFD provides guiding lead in the setting-up of condensed experimental campaign, thus substantially reducing the number of towing-tank runs.
Different features where this numerical approach produces sound results include wave-patterns and subsequent appendages location, wake coefficients of a propeller disc, airfoil drag and lift coefficient, force and moment calculation of all the wet surfaces and turbulence up to shedding vortex .



 The services offered include :

 Resistence evaluation

 Hydrodynamic and Aerodynamic  forces


 Appendages location

 Wake coefficients

 Parametric and optimisation  studies

 Turbolence Analysis